Kw'íyeqel Secondary School is a flexible learning environment with a broad level of student supports at the core of our school. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the various supports available and to encourage others to embrace that wide variety of supports. KSS is fortunate to have strong support from several community agencies to enhance the already solid offering of supports for every student. Students are encouraged to use this website or stop by our counselling office to meet with Laura MacPherson in order to gain a complete understanding of our supports. Our goal is to enrich the learning at Kw'íyeqel by going beyond the regular learning outcomes of various courses and enhancing the learning to help each individual student.
Emotional support can range from simply having someone to talk to on a difficult day to meeting with external community supports for an extended period of time. Regardless of the situation it is important that all students realize that support is available. It is important that we care for ourselves and look out for others as we strive to create a safe and caring learning environment for all students.
Academic support is available to ensure all students are working on a program that will lead to success. Students as always welcome to review their personal graduation plan with their classroom teacher or book an appointment with our school counselor. Each report card is specifically designed to offer meaningful reflections and goal setting to assist students with understanding their own personal plan for success.